Where is your company located?

Our main office and warehouse are in China. As we all know, China is a big manufacturing country. We have inexpensive and high-quality goods sold all over the world.

Do you have any retail locations?

In order to eliminate the extra costs associated with physical storefronts (rent, insurance, staff), we currently only have an online store. You can safely and easily place your order directly online.

Is this a legit company? Is this a reliable site for purchasing?

Please, rest assured that our company is both legal and formal. Studio Ghibli Pins shop has been verified by Norton Secured Seal and uses HTTPS security protocol. You can pay via PayPal for your order and your payment will be safeguarded. Moreover, you can also look up real-life pictures from our gallery or Instagram page. So we are legit and safe to use.

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept payment via Paypal. If your payment isn’t shown on the checkout page, please contact us.

Is your packaging discreet? What does the box look like?

Your order will arrive in unmarked packaging to keep its contents a secret.

I put the wrong shipping address, or made a mistake on my order, can you change it?

If you receive an order confirmation email and notice a mistake with the order, please contact us as soon as possible. If it’s after business hours, leave us a clear and detailed message with your name, phone number, and your order number (if available) via WhatsApp: Contact directly.

How can I contact you?

Our customer service is 7x24H online (excluding holidays and festivals). You can contact us via WhatsApp: Contact directly.
Usually, we will reply to you within 24 hours.